The Selma Times-Journal from Selma, Alabama (2024)

SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1969 -THE SELMA TIMES-JOURNAL-19 18-Real Estate HOMES KINGSBERRY HOMES "SELMA'S LARGEST HOME BUILDERS" Sells Selma's Biggest Bargain In WANT THE BENTLEY Double sliding glass doors, flood room with light leads directly to oudoor living area. Compact L-shaped kitchen combines efficient work area with family dining room, gracious living room has unbroken walls for easy furniture arrangement. Privacy of a quiet bedroom wing, away from living-work area. Convenient closet and storage rooms for easy access. All this and more can be yours with payments of only $124 per month, which includes taxes insurance.

THE DANFORTH Beautiful homes are being built everyday. But for the money, you can't compare wich the charming, luxurious living in the Danforth. This home has three bedrooms, hallway and living room, all softly carpeted to give your home that lavishly decorated appearance? The bedroom has extra closet space. Step into your spacious dining room with full sliding glass doors, then out onto your patio for those summer days ahead. All these and many more can be found in The Danforth at 701 Woodrow Avenue.

A home with quality at a modest price. This lovely home can also de built on your own lot without a downpayment. FHA VA available. THE COLLIER For a more stylish home design, choose "The Collier" at 605 Woodrow Avenue in Selma. This home compliments the proudest interiors, and adds more pleasure and value to home ownership.

Spacious living room, three bedrooms and hall, all carpeted in soft Dupont 501 carpet. Compact shaped kitchen combines efficient work area with family dining room featuring sliding glass doors leading to outdoor living area All this and more can be yours for only $16,500.00 with payments of only $115.00 per month plus taxes and insurance, after a low down payment. Houses on Plant. Street from $11,400 to $11,500, only $150 down payment with payments as low as $55 per mo. FHA VA financing available and we build on your lot with no down payment.

Contact King Construction and let us help you select your choice of carpet, walls, paneling, batn tile and other features to make your new home "a home of pleasure and valued ownership King Construction Company, Inc. See or call Craig S. King 412 Second Avenue Phone 874-8201 Bill Nichols, Residence Phone 872-6980 Craig S. King, Residence Phone 874-4096 FOR SALE. House, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths.

Equity $2,000. Take up payments. 204 Cedar Drive. Call 872-0363. 24-6t EQUITY sale by owner, large 3 bedroom, 2 bath home in Pinehurst.

Carpet, built-in kitchen, breakfast room, large lot. Ph. 2-7364 or 2-6412. 27-6t BOB LANE REAL ESTATE We hold the KEY to your Read Estate Needs" 874-4475 North road Shopping Center. 684 FOR SALE Two new 3 bedroom qualitybuilt homes.

Located on Old Orrville Road. Both of these homes have many fine features. Call for appointment to see these homes. FRED FRIDAY Building Contractor Phone 874-8085 F-S-T-tf FOR SALE: 3-bedroom brick home. Central heat and air.

baths. Close to chools. Low equity. 872-4165. 28-3t 18-Real Fetate FOR SALE: By owner.

3 year old brick home. Low Equity. G. I. Loan.

3 bedrooms, baths. Fenced yard. 874-4063. 30-6t FOR SALE by owner. Nazarene Church Property, Corner Range Street and Alabama Ave.

Zoned for light Industrial or $29,500. Call 874-8901. 30-3t LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE THE STATE OF ALABAMA, THE COUNTY OF DALLAS, IN THE PROBATE COURT. NOTICE TO Lucile Andrews, 9114 Nevada Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio: Nathola Stewart, 11804 Seller Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio; Lewis King, Detroit, Michigan; Joe King, whose address is unknown: Notice is hereby given that the Commissioners appointed by the Probate Court of Dallas County, Alabama, to set apart exemptions in the property belonging to Aldrich King, deceased. the time of his death, have on this the 19th day of November, 1969, filed at this Court their report, and the 23rd in December, 1969, has been set as the day for hearing said report, at which said time you may appear and contest the same if you see fit so to do.

Witness my hand this the 19th day of November, 1969. B. A. REYNOLDS Probate Judge, Dallas County, Alabama Gamble Gamble Attorneys for Petitioner 23-30-Dec. 7-14 LEGAL NOTICE IN RE: Estate Herman Cox, De- ceased.

In the Circuit Court of Dallas County, Alabama, In Equity, Case No. 9709. TO: Bernice Brock, 368 Huntington Street, Newark, New Jersey, all other interested parties. TAKE NOTICE, that Harry W. Gamble, as Administrator of the Estate of Herman Cox, Deceased, has filled his application under oath in the Circuit Court of Dallas County, Alabama praying an order- for the sale of certain real estate belonging to said estate for the purpose of paying the debts of the estate, and that the Court has set the 5 day of January, 1970, as the day for hearing said application, at which time all parties in interest can appear and show cause, if any, why said application should not be granted.

DATED this the 21 day of November, 1969. M. H. HOUSTON Register Gamble Gamble Attorneys for Petitioner 23-30-Dec. LEGAL NOTICE Notice to creditors of estate of Stratos Z.

Lackeos, also known as Stanley Z. Lackeos, deceased: Letters Testamentary upon the estate of said decedent having been granted to the undersiened on the 11th day of November, 1969, by the Probate Judge of Dallas County, Alabama, notice is hereby given that all persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present the same, duly sworn to, in the Probate Court of said county within the time allowed by law. or else same will be forever barred VIRGINIA W. LOCKEOS Executrix John Randolph Smith Attorney for Executrix 16-23-30 LEGAL NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF DALLAS COUNTY, ALABAMA, IN EQUITY: Notice is hereby given to Patrick Anthony Henry, Jennie Lee Henry, Patrick Anthony Henry, Dr. Richard Henry, Mary Lee Henry Austin Lou Anne Henry Cherry, Michael Henry and Jennie Henry.

The Peoples Bank Trust Company, as Trustee of the trust created under ITEM THREE of the Last Will and Testament of Allen Bryan Henry, deceased, and all other persons interested in the estate of Allen 12th Bryan day Henry, deceased, that on the of November, A. 1969, The Peoples Bank Trust Company, as Executor of the Last Will and Testament of Allen Bryan Henry, deceased, filed in the Circuit Court of Dallas County Alabama, its accounts and vouchers for a partial settlement of said estate for the period from to-wit: September 15, 1967, to July 15, 1969, and a supplemental report covering the period from July 15,1969 to the date of the hearing and the Circuit Court of Dallas County, Alabama, has appointed Monday, the 15th day of December, 1969, as the date for making said partial settlement of said estate on said account. DATED this the 12th day of November, A. 1969. H.

HOUSTON MARGUERITE Register of the Circuit Court of Dallas County, Alabama. Pitts, Pitts Thompson Attorneys at Law Selma, Alabama 16-23-30 LEGAL NOTICE THE STATE ALABAMA, THE COUNTY OF DALLAS, IN THE PROBATE COURT. TO: Jim Hill, whose address is unknown: TAKE NOTICE: That Roger Dale Stone, did on the 31st day- -of October, 1969, file in this Court his petition in writing, praying the Court for leave to adopt Jim Hill, a minor. TAKE NOTICE FURTHER: That the date for hearing said petition has been continued to Wednesday, the 31st day of December, 1969, at which time you may appear and contest same if you see proper to do so. Dated this the 20th day of November, 1969.

B. A. REYNOLDS Judge of Probate Theodore L. Wade, Attorney for. Petitioner.

Nov. 23-30. Dec. 7 LEGAL NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF DALLAS COUNTY, ALABAMA, IN EQUITY: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO Beverly W. Risher, as Executrix of the Last Will and Testament of Benjamin B.

Risher, deceased; Benjamin Josiah Risher, a minor; Beverly W. Risher, as the mother and natural custodian of Benjamin Josiah Risher, a minor; LewGeorge Rambo, a minor; Virginia Risher Rambo, as the mother and al custodian of Lewis George Rambo, a minor; Jim Risher McColloch, a minor: Risher McColluch, as the mothBeverly natural custodian 'of Jim RisherMcCulloch, a minor, and all other persons interested in the estate of Benjamin A. Risher, deceased, that on the 25th day of November, 1969, Beverly W. Risher, as Executrix of the Last Will and Testament of Benjamin B. Risher, deceased, filed in the said Circult Court her account and vouchers for a partial settlement of said estate and that the said Circuit Court has appointed Tuesday, at 10:00 A.M., the 30th day of December, 1969, for making said partial settlement of said estate on said account.

Dated this the 25th day of November, 1969. MARGUERITE H. HOUSTON Register of the Circuit Court of Dallas County, Alabama, In Equity. Pitts, Pitts Thompson Attorneys 30-7-14 LEGAL NOTICE Notice to Creditors of Estate of Percy Herzfeld, deceased: Letters of Administration upon the estate of said decedent having been granted to the undesigned on the 6th day of November, 1969, by the Probate Judge of Dallas County, Alabama, notice is hereby given that 'all persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present the same duly to, in the Probate Court of said county within the time allowed by law, or eles same will be forever barred. GENIECE R.

HERZFELD, Administratrix Theodore L. Wade Attorney for Administratrix Nov. 10-17-30 LEGAL NOTICE Notice to Creditors of Estate of Ethel J. Woods, Deceased. Letters of Administration upon the estate of said de cedent having been granted to the undesigned on the 30th day of October, 1969, by the Probate Judge of Dallas County, Alabama, notice is hereby given that all persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present the same, duly sworn to, in the Probate Court of said county within the time allowed by law, or else will be forever barred.

ROBERT LEE WOODS Administrator Gamble Gamble Attorneys for Administrator Nov. 10-17-30 Auburn Civilians Join Students In "Positive" Move AUBURN, Ala. (AP)-It's unusual when townspeople will actively support and even participate in a campus demonstration, but that's what will be happening here Dec. 4 when the two groups join for a "sit-in for Santa." "Instead of demonstrating against something," an Auburn Student Government Association official said, "students will have the opportunity to demonstrate for something." To drum up interest for the demonstration in protest to greed, selfishness and hate and Francis Marion In Cage Victory, 78-54 The Francis Marion cagers upended West Brockton in Marion night 78-54 boosting their season mark to two victories in as many outings. Coach Clint Langley's Rams were never in trouble as they outlasted West Brockton in every quarter.

field Marion, 15, Scarborough 15, (78) Scott 26, RayTucker 9, Horton 4, 4, Barton 2, Charlie King :2. West Brockton (54) Cutts 17, Pinkard 14, Snelson 10, Ben Wesley 7, Cleo Wesley 5. "the Grinches who try to steal Christmas," more than 10,000 "It's better" to badges are being passed out to students and local residents who go along with the idea. The activity begins with a parade sponsored by the 'Auburn Chamber of Commercethrough downtown Auburn and on to the university library. A 20-foot Christmas tree in front of the library will be lighted by Santa and Miss Auburn, Ginger Van Hooser.

Gifts will be placed in receptacles under the tree and carols will be sung. A community spirit trophy will be awarded to the group with the best participation and most Campus organizations will take the gifts to office in Opelika. UP AND DOWN THE TOWN The Salvation Army will receive applications for persons requesting Christmas aid, from 9-12 a.m. Monday through Friday, beginning Dec. 1, and continuing through Dec.

12. Mr. and Mrs. J. R.

Carlisle Sr. have been called away by the death of her brother-in-law, (H. I. Holt, in Columbus, Ga. "The city is behind this demonstration all the way," the SGA's director of relations, Danny Wilkowsky says.

"We want to show people that Auburn students are a little different from others and can be for something instead of against." AREA DEATHS MRS. MARGARET M. KARRAS Funeral services for Margaret M. Karras, who was killed near Selma in an auto accident Friday, were conducted Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock at Shiloh. Baptist Church with the Kenneth Harrison officiating.

Her remains were taken to Nashville, where funeral services will be held this afternoon at 3. o'clock at Nashville Baptist Church, with burial in a local cemetery. She is survived by her husband, Tech Sgt. James Karras; one son, Mark Karras; her father, Bethel McMillan, of Nashville, and four sisters and three brothers. EDGAR E.

(BUDDY) HALL Edgar Earl (Buddy) Hall, 63, 511 Barrington died Saturday morning at a local hospital following a sudden attack SIDEWALK SCHOOL is conducted in Rome, where Italian schoolteachers staged a protest against inadequate classrooms by holding school sessions in the street. Authorities report the nation is 150,000 classrooms short of number needed to modate its 8.3 million students. of illness. Funeral plans will be announced in Montgomery. A resident of Selma for about six years, he was connected with a local saw mill and This Cowboy Is Tracking Down A News Story T.

WHEELER, outstanding reporter and writer for this JOHN newspaper and The Associated Press, gets his information first band: Before writing about drives, Wheeler rode dusty Western trails on horseback. For direct account of the China-Soviet border clashes, he traa veled to the remote Ussuri River in He lived close to the war in Vietnam for four years- -so close that he was wounded in one battle and decorated in another when he abandoned his typewriter to save a wounded soldier. his way around the world is not difficult for Wheeler. Finding He was a navigator-bombardier in the Strategic Air Command before joining The Associated He's among hundreds of Associated Press reporters who zero i in on events and trends, large and small, to bring you the news of the nation and the world everyday The Selma Times-Journal A member of The Associated Press a member of the Central tist Church. He is survived by his wife, Mrs.

Effie Mae Hall; two daughters, Mrs. Joyce Lowery, Palm Beach, and Mrs. Wanda Hodnett, Montgomery; three sons, Charles Hall, Selma; Lee Franklin, Montgomery; and Sanders Howard Watford, Marianna, and several sisters and brothers..

The Selma Times-Journal from Selma, Alabama (2024)
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Name: Melvina Ondricka

Birthday: 2000-12-23

Address: Suite 382 139 Shaniqua Locks, Paulaborough, UT 90498

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Job: Dynamic Government Specialist

Hobby: Kite flying, Watching movies, Knitting, Model building, Reading, Wood carving, Paintball

Introduction: My name is Melvina Ondricka, I am a helpful, fancy, friendly, innocent, outstanding, courageous, thoughtful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.